**Town Clerk Office Hours**

Monday = 8AM - 6PM

Tuesday = 8AM - 4PM 

Wednesday = 8AM - 4PM

Thursday = 8AM - 4PM

Property Assessing

If you would like a scanned copy of a property-record card emailed to you, please email your request to: selectmen@parsonsfield.org. We will respond as soon as possible. We suggest you to add this e-mail address to your contact list so the e-mail response goes directly to your inbox and not into your spam folder. 

The Town assessor is charged by state law with discovering, describing, and valuing property, as well as the ownership of that property, for the purpose of taxation. Accurate appraisals require constant searching for significant property facts to accumulate and analyze prior to estimating just value or fair market value. The assessor is appointed by the Town Council. Assessments are made on April 1st.

Questions on payment of property taxes should be directed to the Selectboard.

​Personal Property

(Title 36, M.R.S.A. Sections 601-612)

The value of personal property of businesses - furniture, fixtures, machinery and equipment - that are pertinent to the conduct of that business are subject to valuation and taxation. The Town assessor assesses these properties based on their ownership, condition, and location as of April 1.